Oh no, not you again!

Last week when I set off on my blogging trail, I realized my pack back was weighed down with 4 insidious characters – you may recall them, or perhaps you know them personally. Perfectionism, procrastination, judgment and worry? So I blithely chucked them out and breathed a sigh of relief, only to discover the little devils had crept back in again when I wasn’t looking.  Somewhat sobered, I realized getting rid of them wasn’t a once and for all event, but rather a daily practice. For me, that is meditation. The opportunity to sit and connect with That which is greater than I, with the great Silence from which all is born.

Now granted, more often than not that great Silence, that holy Presence, seems to be obscured by the noise of my thoughts…. But the key word here is “seems to be”…. for I know It is never absent or diminished in any way, how could it be, when it is Life itself, who I truly am? 

What I realized this week, which was a helluva’ week (you know the ones I mean), is that even with daily practice, those voices in my heads, those gremlins I mentioned above, never actually go away. The key, I think, is learning to recognize them, to know what they have to say… so their power is diminished and I don’t take them seriously.

So that next time Perfectionism shouts in my ear “That blog post is really not good enough to publish”, or Procrastination proclaims “We don’t really have to do that today, there is always tomorrow”, or Judgment sits on its high and mighty throne and declares “What makes you think you have anything new to say?” or Worry worms its way into my head and murmurs “How will I ever find anything inspiring to write about?”, instead of listening to them and believing them and wanting to hide under a rock, I can simply say “Oh you, yes I know you, you can’t fool me!”

And that’s it. I don’t need to engage. I don’t need to have a conversation. I don’t need to bargain, argue and match wits with those gremlin voices. I simply acknowledge their presence, and carry on with my appointment with the Divine.

I hope this helps you deal with any gremlins that might be weighing down your back pack, dear reader!

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