When the well runs dry – a lesson in trust

We can learn to have perspective when we are going through those confusing, difficult learning times. When we are being pelleted by events that make us feel, think, and question, we are in the midst of learning something important. We can trust that something valuable is being worked out in us--even when things are difficult, even when we cannot get our bearings. Insight and clarity do not come until we have mastered our lesson.
Melody Beattie 

I really needed to read these words this morning – as I sat and stared at my blank word document and had not a clue what to write this morning. Having made the bold proclamation yesterday of my intent to change the world in a big way, this morning I am faced with OMG, what ever possessed me to say that? Now what?

And having made a commitment to blog 5 days a week, I couldn’t just take the easy way out and say, “Oh well, I don’t feel like it today;” or “maybe I’ll be clear/inspired tomorrow.”  So what to do?

I don’t want to write something just to write – that would be a waste of my time and yours. So I followed the advice of a wise guide, who suggested to me that if I want to be a writer, my job is to always seek inspiration. And so I did.  Thank you Jeff Anderson, for your nightly “snips” in my inbox, which are often unerringly timely.

So today I share Melody Beattie’s words with you and remind myself to be gentle with myself. I am trusting that whatever is calling me to write and share my thoughts knows what It is doing, that whatever lessons I am here to learn, and to share, will uplift and inspire.  

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