Stepping into the Circle

I had the delightful experience on Sunday of listening to Victoria Castle, A Master Somatic Coach, speaking about embodied abundance, which she describes as living in a state of ease.  As opposed to the wound up, shoulders up to the ears bodily stance that often seems to be the price we pay for life in the modern world. 

She invites us to imagine stepping into the Circle, joining the great flow of life and just breathing a huge sigh of relief. Imagine that your place in the Circle is assured, that there is nothing that you need to do to earn the right to be here, because you already belong. Your very existence, and your consent to be here, is all that is required.

The Circle,” states Castle,” is home to a flow of satisfying relationships, meaningful work, inspired learning, endless resources and opportunities, laughter and creativity,  and a prevailing sense of ….. glad assurance.”

I love this concept. Here is the choice. We can operate from the premise of some form of not enoughness, or what Castle calls the Trance of Scarcity. From this perspective, we embody life as a struggle, with all our senses in a state of perpetual high alert and life as a series of obstacles to overcome. We are stuck playing the role of either victim or hero/martyr – both of which keep us in a state of separation.

Or, we can awaken from the trance of scarcity and step into the flow. We join the River of life where we draw from its “juice and vitality”, and make our own unique and joyful contribution to it.

Intrigued? Tune in tomorrow as I explore her take on how the stories we tell ourselves create our world.

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