A love poem to money

A few weeks ago, my business coach asked me to write a love poem to money. A rather strange request, you might think. But then I did come to him because I want more money.  Who doesn't, right? Yet, that hippy part of me still struggles with knowing that's OK.  Hence, the assignment.  I sat with this, and pondered it, and thought, how on earth am I going to write a love poem to money?? 

Then one day, sitting by the south bank of the Yuba river on our family summer vacation, it all came to me. So here it is, my slightly playful, but honest, reflection of my current relationship to money.

Now honey love,
That’s two words I can
            put my head around
            wrap my heart around

But money love?
That’s two words I’m not so sure about

I love  you, honey
            just rolls off my tongue
            slips through my lips
            like a sweet kiss

But I love you, money?
            a bit of  a wince
            check and see who may be listening
            did I really say that?

There, I said it.
I love you money.

I love you in my pocket
a promise of…. so many things
            a gift, a new dress, a blackberry pie, a plane ticket, a helping hand, a dream…

How do I love you money?
Let me count the ways.

I love you passing from one hand to another
I love you showing up in unexpected moments and unexpected places
I love you doing good work in the world
I love you bringing joy
I love you bringing hope
I love you saying thank you
I love earning you, easily and joyfully,
I love seeing you growing in my bank account
I love investing you
I love giving you away

Save you for a rainy day?
I’d rather play with you on a sunny day!


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